How ACT® Soil Conditioner Works
ACT® is a soil treatment product that performs in the soil to reduce soil tension much like the way a wetting agent affects the surface water. Due to the ionic state of soil and the polarized molecular structure of water a very strong bond is created often referred to as hydroscopic (BOUND) water in the soil. Through this, adhesion of soil and water compaction are created, leading to poor water infiltration, low over all water capacity, reduced soil aeration, and a much higher shear strength.
ACT® has a vertical penetration depth of three to four feet accompanied by the performance ACT has on the soil tension there is an improvement in all of the soil properties. ACT® will remain in the soil for 12 to 14 months.
The half of the plant that really counts is underground. When your plants roots are limited by compaction, crop yields can be reduced by 25-50 percent. Soils that produce higher yields have plenty of room for root penetration.
Soil compaction restricts plant growth and yield by reducing:
- Water penetration
- Root growth
- Oxygen level and aeration
- Nutrient uptake
- Chance for ideal seedbed
ACT’s® performance benefits include:
- Better aerated system in the soil allowing more oxygenation for the plant
- Uniform root structure deep within the soil
- Allows water penetration into the soil, reducing run-off and soil erosion
- Reduces wear & tear on equipment and fuel savings