What is ACT® Soil Conditioner

ACT® Soil Conditioner is a soil treatment product which performs in the soil to reduce soil tension much like the way a wetting agent effects surface water, only presenting a very effective change.

ACT® (Agricultural Compaction Treatment) Soil Conditioner is the best liquid soil treatment available today!

Improves Water Infiltration Into Soil

ACT® Soil Conditioner has an impressive performance on water with infiltration rates being among some of the most observed results of ACT®.  When the adhesion of soil and water are reduced and movement is re-established within the soil, especially within the hardpan layer, a much deeper and faster influx of water is increased. This increased penetration of water reduces run-off and helps to eliminate standing water in previous wet areas. This improvement in the soil results in the release of bound water becoming available to the plants root system. Resulting in less of a need for irrigation.

Reduces Soil Shear Strength

Within the soil this breakdown of adhesion produces a more open and better aerated soil system. The ACT treated soil thus becoming more oxygenated and will sustain an increase in the biological community. These benefits can be observed through the increased fertilizer efficiency and humus development. Soil shear strength is greatly reduced through the breakup of compacted soil. When this tension is minimized the forces required for roots to penetrate thru the soil are greatly decreased and in turn resulting in a more uniform root structure deeper within the soil.

Through the proper use of ACT soil treatment into the farming programs, a more permeable soil system can be achieved and the problems of compaction are thus eliminated. With the increase of fertilizer performance and a better producing crop, due to the ability for the plant to gain a proper root structure.